Friday, 28 March 2014

Writing Adventures

Writing Adventures.....

March 2014
Tadpoles arrived in our room on Thursday.  We had loads of excitement as the six Tads were made at home in the small aquarium.  They certainly looked happy and were very hungry.
We are excited to have them and the opportunity to watch them grow ... And change ...

They now have back legs. Our tadpoles are turning into froglets.

April 9th 2014.

We now have two small frogs.  They have their own tank while the other three froglets complete their metamorphosis stage. 

Swimming Sports. Acrostic poem. 

Sunny swimming sports
We won the tow- a- partner.
I loved the water splashing.
Mr. Dennis called when to go!
Mr. Dennis said to quiet down.
I was swimming as fast as I could.
Now it was my turn at tow-a-partner.
"Go!" Said Mr. Dennis

By Alizae

What's going on in our space?

What are we thinking?
What are we doing?
Why are we doing this?
We live in a fantastic City called Whangarei.  We live in The North Island of New Zealand.

Our school is located in a suburb of Whangarei called Onerahi.

Here is a story of how Onerahi got its name.

Because of wars in the Waikato some members of the Ngati Pou migrated to the far north where they settled near relatives living on the shores of a harbour south of Herekino.They called their new home 'Whangape" after the place they had left behind in theWaikato.
After they had been living at Whangape for some time, a handsome young chiefUeoneone decided he would pay a visit to his kinsmen in the Waikato. There he met the chief Tuihu who had two lovely twin daughters, Reipae and Reitu. As soon as Ueoneonesaw them, there sprang up between the three young people a feeling of great attraction and affinity. Now this young chief was very clever at playing the putorino or flute and so that evening as Tuihu and his hapu sat round the fire, he played lively tunes for the pleasure of them, all but especially for the two girls, who gazed with admiration at this talented young man.
The next night, and many nights following Ueoneone played his putorino deliberately doing his utmost to charm Tuihu's lovely daughters. Eventually he composed a waiata to sing to them. When he had finished his waiata he looked at Reipae and said, "Mehemea ko Kopu, koe". You're like Venus the morning star. Then he turned to Reitu. "Ko Hine-titama koe, matawai ana te whatu i te tirohanga" - You are like Hine-titama, the eye glistens (or fills with tears) at the sight of you.
In fact, he thought them both so beautiful that he found it difficult to make up his mind which one he admired the more - Reipae or Reitu. Soon after this, he returned home toWhangape in the far north and left both sisters pining for their handsome admirer. A most unusual thing happened some weeks later. A karearea, or sparrowhawk alighted on the front porch of the girls' whare and they were both convinced that it must be a messenger from the young northern chief.
Each girl felt sure that she was the one for whom it had been sent and they began arguing with each other. Eventually, they overcame their jealousy and both made preparations to journey north. After a tohunga had chanted karakia to make them light enough for the bird to carry them, they set off on its back for Whangape. Their brotherRakamoana also left for the North, but he travelled by land.
The karearea spread its wings and flew steadily on until they were nearing what is now known as Whangarei. Reitu who was riding in front of Reipae said to the bird, "We have travelled many long miles, are you not weary of carrying us both?" Reipae overheard this remark and took offence but she did not admit it. Instead she asked the karearea to let her off as she wished to relieve herself. Obligingly the bird stopped but as soon asReipae had alighted she refused to go any further but said she would wait for her brother,Rakamoana.
She called the spot where she had landed One-rahirahi - the beach-of-quick-overhearing'. This beach gave its name to the place now known as Onerahi. Reipae then wandered along the shores of the harbour until she met a young chief Tahuhu-potiki,fourth in descent from Manaia, after whom the castle-like mountain peaks at the mouth of the harbour are named. The two young people became enamoured of each other and before long were married with due ceremony. The place where Reipae met Tahuhu-potikiwas given the name Te Whanga-a­Reipae - the abiding place or harbour of Reipae, and this became abbreviated to Whangarei, which was later applied to the whole district at the headwaters of the harbour. Meanwhile, Reitu continued her journey on the back of the bird until she reached the Whangape Harbour where she was given a great welcome at Maukoro Pa
Soon preparations were under way for her marriage to Ueoneone and when all was ready, she was conducted across the harbour to his pa Te Toma, where a huge hakari was held to celebrate the union between the two important tribes. Through her marriage to this influential young chief, Reitu became a famous ancestor of many tribes of theNgapuhi.